16th of september; Open house day!
Open house day Wire Weaving Dinxperlo
Honoring our 100 year anniversary our customers, relations, family-members, friends and other people who are interested in Wire Weaving Dinxperlo can take a look inside our company on the 16th of September!
Saturday the 16th of September from 10:00 – 12:30 we will open our doors for the public. We open our office and of course our factory for everyone who is interested in our company and our products. At this morning we show our old production processes combined with the newest technological features. We take you by the hand and show you the production process both of our finest metal weaves as also our heavy welded wire mesh from the beginning to the end. Thereby we will also show you all the products and branches our wire mesh is used in, which will cause many surprises faces!
You can find more info about our Open House Day on our Facebook– and LinkedIn page.